Rabu, 25 Mei 2016


Well, agar film-film positif tetap eksis, maka akhirnya tadi siang saya kepo film MARS. Walaupun setiap kali saya mengingat bahwa MARS adalah akronim dari Mimpi Ananda Raih Semesta, saya didera keinginan untuk ketawa-ketawa sambil nelen orang, muntahin, telen lagi.
Baru lihat trailernya aja udah bikin baper cyin. Hiks. Pokoknya saya wajib tonton banget film ini (waktu udah tayang di tv (?). Soalnya saya pasti mules kalau masuk bioskop *ha?). Film ini keren pisan euy... Cerita perjuangan seorang ibu untuk pendidikan putrinya di tengah budaya desa yang menjadikan pendidikan adalah sebuah prestasi yang sulit untuk dibanggakan.

- If you ask me, "Who knows the best about the meaning of education?". Then I would says, "My mother". A mother is light from the seven galaxy that brightness my soul and like the eternal light. She is the wind that played the music of life. So beautiful, and miracles. In this village on Gunung Kidul, where there was no electricity, I grow up in poority. Education is a hard achievment to be prouded. There were only four people to graduated from senior high. Most of the people will busy to helped job their parents or move to work in the city. Most of the woman in the work as house keeper or married as young age. In that kind of culture, the women named Tupon raised me. She is my mother... She gaves me faith in God. She told me that God knows things be on everything. For me, she is my heaven. I believe from the hadith that says, "Whom do you should respected the most?", and the answer would be, "Your mother, your mother, and your mother. Then, your father." (Sekar Palupi) -

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